Tenant Tips: Renting with Pets

smiling golden retriever

I remember trying to find a rental that would accept me and my dog. I was right out of college and didn’t realize having a dog, a pit bull at that, would put me at such a disadvantage trying to find a place to stay. The worst part is that it had nothing to do […]

Benefits Of Being A Pet-Friendly Landlord

child smiling next to a rabbit

Scratched-up walls, scraped paint, and damaged doors are all potential consequences of owning a pet, which is why most landlords do not have pet-friendly listings.  If you are a rental owner, chances are you do not allow tenants to have pets because that’s the norm for many property owners and managers. Barring renters from housing […]

9 Good Dog Breeds for Renting an Apartment

woman looking at laptop sitting by two dogs

Living in an apartment comes with its own set of rules. Many apartment complexes have a strict no-pet or no-dog policy, which can be a huge bummer! But even if you manage to find a place that allows you to keep a dog, the breed of the dog can be the main deciding factor in […]

Apartment-Friendly Pet Options

two dogs sleeping on bed

If you are a pet lover living in an apartment, there is good news for you. From fish to cats, there are several types of companion animals you can easily nurture in a compact apartment.  However, make sure your pet does not disturb the neighbors or damage your home. Here are the top apartment-friendly pets […]