Tenant Tips: Move Into Your Next Home

couple smiling with moving boxes

You’ve found a new place and were just approved to move in! CONGRATULATIONS! Maybe this is your very first place on your own or it’s just been a while since your last move, but here are 6 steps to make moving as simple as possible. Pay Your Security Deposit Through a Trackable Method  (check, cashier’s […]

What to Know as a First Time Renter

woman looking at computer lying on bed next to dog

Moving into your first apartment or house is super exciting. You are finally in charge of your own space, and you can do whatever you want, within limits of course. This freedom comes at a price, as you have more responsibilities and bills to pay. Before you start exploring the options for your first rental […]

What Utilities Will I Need to Pay For If I Move Into An Apartment?

modern living room in condo

As a first-time renter, the excitement of moving into your very own place is likely to know no bounds. You may even feel compelled to ignore the less-exciting details like budgeting, expenses, bills, and the cost of utilities. However, it’s important to work those things out before you sign the lease. You want to know […]