If your pet is one of the most important parts of your life, you’ll want to make sure that they’re comfortable in your new apartment. You might just be worried about a pet deposit, but there are other things to consider, too. In order to make sure that you choose the best home possible for yourself and your furry friend, be on the lookout for pet-friendly apartments. The best pet-friendly apartments will have a roster of pet amenities. Here are a few to keep an eye out for:
Community pet parks or play areas
In many pet-friendly apartment complexes, you may not have to walk far to find a place for your pet to play. One of the coolest pet amenities is a dedicated play area or park for everyone in the building to share. This is also a way for you to meet other people in your building and bond over the shared experience of owning pets together. A fun romp with your furry pal is never far away if you have an easily accessible play area. This also may help you work more time with them into your schedule.
It might be hard to fit a daily walk into your busy schedule, especially if you have to leave your apartment to go to work. Certain pet-friendly apartments will have walking services on-site in order to help you with this problem. You can set up a schedule for someone to walk your dog once a day or several times a week so that you know for sure they’re getting enough exercise. If you’d like to find another way to help your dog get their walks in, why not try a dog-walking service like Wag?

Another problem pet owners often run across is finding someone to take care of their animals when they’re not at home. The pet-sitting services which many pet-friendly apartments provide can easily help with this problem. If you end up leaving your apartment for a few nights, you can schedule a pet sitter to take care of your critter. Oftentimes, this is also true if you need someone to step in during the day in order to make sure that your pet is fed and happy.
Dentist and vet appointments
Wouldn’t it be nice to not even have to leave your building in order to make sure that your pet sees their doctors? Lots of pet-friendly apartments have working relationships with vets and animal dentists, and some will even schedule days for these doctors to visit so that the pets in the building can see them. This cuts out a lot of the stress of finding doctors for your pet and scheduling their appointments. It can be a major benefit of finding the right pet-friendly apartment.
Dog-washing stations
If your dog often comes back from a walk or a play session all muddied up, you might be wary of what they’ll do to your apartment floor. Some pet-friendly apartments have dog-washing stations set up in the lobby, which provide a great way to give them a quick scrub before you head home. This will save you time cleaning your apartment down the line, and hopefully it will cut down on the pet odors, too.
Treats in the lobby
This is a small thing, but one of the most common pet amenities is a bowl or two of treats hanging out in the lobby. This gesture shows that those who own your apartment really do care about making it a welcome environment for your pets. It’s nice to be able to give your animal a small treat when you get home from a walk, too.
“Yappy” cocktail hours
This is another one of the more social pet amenities, which will benefit you as well as your pet. Certain pet-friendly apartments will have “yappy” cocktail hours where neighbors and pets can meet to socialize over drinks and appetizers. This is a great way to meet other people in your apartment and for your pet to make new friends. (Of course, during the pandemic, this amenity might look different due to social distancing rules.)
We know that you love your pet, and it’s essential that they’re as comfortable in your new home as you are in yours. This is why taking the time to find a pet-friendly apartment is worth the effort. Make sure that you keep an eye out for great amenities, because they can make your living experience so much better. Happy apartment hunting!
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