When you’re moving, it can be hard to plan ahead. In fact, Dwellsy’s team can tell you all about how crazy moving is from personal experience. But even in all of the hustle and bustle, you’ll be surprised at how much hassle you can save just by collecting all of the things you’ll need and putting them together in a little kit.
To help you, we’ve made a list of a few key move-in necessities you’ll want to keep close at hand on the big day.
An Overnight Bag
When you’re sweaty and tired from lifting boxes all day, you won’t want to dig around in your clothes to find your pajamas or your toothbrush. Save yourself a little time and put together a little overnight bag. Pack a change of clothes, your pajamas, and your essential toiletries. You’ll thank yourself when you’re snuggled up in bed that much earlier. Don’t forget your phone charger!
Bedding and Pillows
There’s some common wisdom floating around that the first thing you should do when you move into a new place is to make your bed. It’s a good idea! After checking a million big, important things off your move-in list, you’ll be annoyed at even the smallest obstacle between yourself and your bed. (I’m annoyed at any obstacles between myself and my bed even when I’m not moving apartments.) Making your bed gets you one step closer to your new rental feeling like home.
Basic Cleaning Supplies
Next on our list of move-in necessities: a few cleaning supplies. We know––you just did your big move-out clean, and you’re hoping your new rental will be sparkling clean when you move in. Chances are, though, it’s not going to be quite as clean as you want it to be. Packing a few cleaning things will help you to get rid of any small messes as you’re moving your boxes in.
It doesn’t have to be anything crazy––a dustpan, some paper towels, disinfectant wipes, rubber gloves, and multipurpose cleaning spray would be okay. Maybe some bug killer, too, and maybe a broom. You just want to have a few things on hand to chase the dust bunnies away or a roach appears. Cleaning supplies will also come in handy if anything spills or breaks during the move-in process.

A Toolkit
It never hurts to keep a small basic toolkit handy, so one definitely has its place in your move-in necessities. You never know what might need a quick fixer-upper––sometimes you just wish you had a hammer around. Even if you just use the tools to reassemble your furniture, you’ll appreciate having them close and easy to grab.
First-Aid Kit
Moving all of your stuff is hard work! With all of the lifting and walking, there’s definitely a chance someone might get a scrape or a bruise. With a first-aid kit on hand, you can patch yourself up with no problems, even if all you need is a band-aid. And if no one gets hurt at all, well, the peace of mind alone is worth it.
A Speaker to Hook Up to Your Phone (and an Amazing Playlist)
Who doesn’t love a little jam sesh? There’s no faster way to make your new rental feel like home than to have a dance party. Moving in can be boring work, so you might as well make it fun and put on all of your favorite bops. Not in the mood for music? You could always try a podcast––how about Dwellsy’s Rent Matters?
Snacks and a Water Bottle
You’ll definitely get thirsty and hungry while you’re hauling your entire life to the next rental. Sure, you could order takeout, but what if UberEats takes an hour to come and you’re starving? Throw some snacks in a bag the night before the big day, along with plenty of cold water. Your future self will be grateful, we promise.
Books, Gaming Devices, and Other Fun Things
Making a little entertainment stash will save you from having to root through all of the boxes to find your Nintendo Switch. Keep a couple of favorite books and your favorite electronics in one place. When you’re finished with the first day of move-in, you can just flop down on the couch and chill. Your entire library of Xbox games can be unpacked later.
Here’s to hoping that these move-in necessities make your big day easier. Good luck as you search for the perfect rental!
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