COVID Renter Assistance for Every State

Harmonic is a partner of Dwellsy.

These Are Hard Times for Renters

So many are struggling in the face of COVID-19, but there is help available for many, courtesy of programs like the Emergency Rental Assistance Program.  

Because that help is delivered at the state level, finding it is not always easy, so we assembled all of the best COVID-19 renter assistance pages for every state that we could find, below. 

StateState Renter Help SiteFind Rentals
Alabama Rentals
Alaska Rentals
Arizona Rentals
Arkansas Rentals
California Rentals
Colorado Rentals
Connecticut Rentals
Washington DC Rentals
Delaware Rentals
Florida Rentals
Georgia Rentals
Hawaii Rentals
Idaho Rentals
Illinois Rentals
Indiana Rentals
Iowa Rentals
Kansas Rentals
Kentucky Rentals
Louisiana Rentals
Maine Rentals
Maryland Rentals
Massachusetts Rentals
Michigan,4641,7-141-5555-533463–,00.htmlMichigan Rentals
Minnesota Rentals
Mississippi Rentals
Missouri Rentals
Montana Rentals
Nebraska Rentals
Nevada Rentals
New Hampshire Hampshire Rentals
New Jersey Jersey Rentals
New Mexico Mexico Rentals
New York York Rentals
North Carolina Carolina Rentals
North Dakota Dakota Rentals
Ohio Rentals
Oklahoma Rentals
Oregon Rentals
Pennsylvania Rentals
Rhode Island Island Rentals
South Carolina Carolina Rentals
South Dakota Dakota Rentals
Tennessee Rentals
Texas Rentals
Utah Rentals
Vermont Rentals
Virginia Rentals
Washington Rentals
West Virginia Virginia Rentals
Wisconsin Rentals
Wyoming Rentals

About the Emergency Rental Assistance Program

The Emergency Rental Assistance program makes available $25 billion to assist households that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The funds are provided directly to States, U.S. Territories, local governments, and Indian tribes.  Grantees use the funds to provide assistance to eligible households through existing or newly created rental assistance programs.


An “eligible household” is defined as a renter household in which at least one or more individuals meet the following criteria:

  1. Qualifies for unemployment or has experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced a financial hardship due to COVID-19;
  2. Demonstrates a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability; and
  3. Has a household income at or below 80 percent of the area median.

Rental assistance provided to an eligible household should not be duplicative of any other federally funded rental assistance provided to such a household.

Have a suggestion for a better option for your state?  Please let us know

We have copious amounts of supportive content for renters and property managers on our website. If you are having trouble finding a rental during COVID, check out this blog post for tips.

Ready to look for your new home? Dwellsy is here to help with certified organic rental search results. Don’t miss out, see for yourself!

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Jonas Bordo
Jonas is the CEO and co-founder of Dwellsy and has been around the rental business for many years. He’s been a renter many, many times (and has some crazy stories to tell), and he’s been a landlord too - both on a small scale and a huge scale - he was once responsible for 60,000 apartments. He’s taken that insider knowledge and put it to use to build Dwellsy, the nation’s preeminent marketplace for rental housing, and to help renters get an edge and find a great place to live more quickly, more easily, and more safely.

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