No. Not our carrots. Our rental search results.
Not all rental search platforms produce organic results.
In fact, most don’t.
Virtually every rental listing platform charges property owners or managers a fee to include their apartment, house, townhome, or condo on their site. Doing so has consequences.
This can be obvious to the rental seeker through the variability of listing size, image quality, and search result placement. Or, it can be disguised in the algorithm that returns search results. Those who pay get an added boost (a.k.a. extra appearances) in what gets returned.
To be certified organic from a rental search results perspective, we believe 4 requirements must be met.
- Contaminant Free
- No Artificial Agents
- A Biodiverse Inventory
- Non-Toxic
Contaminant-Free Rental Search Results
The contaminant — listings that someone paid to show you regardless of what you’re looking for in a rental.
Pay-to-Play divides the market into owners who have budget to pay and those who do not. Almost no data is collected from the non-payers (75–80% of market).

Internet Listing Services (ILSs) have consolidated the market and are making it increasingly more expensive to “play” so most owners opt-out.
Pay-to-Play creates egregiously misaligned incentives between ILSs and Renters, resulting in a horrific experience for Renters.
No Artificial Agents in Rental Search Results
After you’ve indicated your rental property needs and wants, we return results to you without any interference.
Our algorithm is pure. 100% all-natural. We match your criteria with our inventory. Period.
We call it the Dwellsy Match Score. It appears as a percentage right below the property picture.

A Biodiverse Inventory
We do not serve one type of renter. We serve you all. Every single one of you. With over 10 million apartments and homes for rent sourced from a diverse collection of listings, we are striving to serve all 110M renters in America.
From the renter looking for a place in the Midwest who wants to spend no more than $500 a month…

…to the person looking for a high rise in a metropolitan coastal area.

Because we don’t charge fees, we can be inclusive of all types of properties.
Non-Toxic Rental Search Results
All it takes is one contagion to ruin an entire crop. By that, we mean — fraudulent listings.
You shouldn’t need to be on guard as you peruse potential rentals. You shouldn’t be wondering if something is the real deal.
When entering the World of Dwellsy, you’re entering an ecosystem built on trust. It’s a place where you can believe that what you see is real.
We’ve built in an indicator to give you that assurance — the verified seal.

Plus — we have this genius mad scientist on our team who makes it her personal mission to root out infectious elements from our rental search results. Her name is Rosalind and she’s brilliant at what she does.

The bottom line…
Don’t just shop organic for your veggies. Shop organic for your next rental. Certified organic. With Dwellsy.

Looking to rent an apartment, house, townhome, or condo? Check out — Find a Rental and Make It Home.
Learn more about Dwellsy here.